The religion of Islam begins with an extraordinary story. The founder of Islam Muhammad was an average man in his neighborhood. Muhammad had the same religious beliefs as Christians. However, after seeking God in an isolated cave, Muhammad is said to receive messages from God. These messages that were received cultivated the teachings of the Quran.
Islam believes in the oneness of God, and believes Muhammad is God’s final prophet; the Quran is considered the ultimate word of God. Islam also accepts that the Torah, Psalms and Gospels are sacred scripture. Last but not least the Islamic believe revere Jesus as a great prophet.
Islam acknowledges Jesus as a prophet sent by God, Islam does not accept Jesus as God (as the Christians do). I question Islam inclusion of Jesus as a prophet. According to the Islamic definition, a prophet is a messenger sent by God (Surah Al-Baqara). According to the gospel, Jesus ascribes himself as “Son of God” and deity (Matthew 27:43). Since it is obvious that a prophet is accredited by the message he brings; clearly Jesus’ message (as indicated) was that he is God. However, Islam believes Jesus to be a “truthful” prophet, yet they refuse to accept his message (which is he is God). If Islam doesn’t accept Jesus as God, the fact that Jesus attested to be God should be enough to cast him away as a false prophet. I find this contradiction in the Islamic beliefs system to be quite astonishing.
The part where you said that Jesus' message was that "he was God" is a total blasphemy. He came to preach nothing different from what all the prophets before him preached which is "Laa ilaha ilallah". That was his message and he said it in the Bible. Jesus was a Muslim as like all the other prophets before him and the last one after him. Get your facts clear.