November 16, 2011
Egyptian Vs. Greek Gods
Does the Roman Empire still exist?
In 1998 Hugo Chavez was elected president of Venezuela. Since his arrival, Venezuela has suffered a social class division and a separation of the political placement. Furthermore, his regime has poisoned and destroyed what was once known as a great economic and productive country. His government, as part of a political strategy, started attacking verbally and physically any attempt of the opposition to question Chavez’s decisions. Subsequently, Chavez has campaigned throughout the continent in an effort to spread his ideology. This campaign has increased the national debt, and has impacted the economical structure of the country. In an attempt to build an empire, as cyclic history has showed us, Chavez will face the fall before the rise.
It took centuries for Rome to finally fall, although it still debatable the exactly time or specific reason. Many will argue that Rome was transformed from a military power to a religious power. Others will say the Rome Empire collapsed because they became too large or the emperors failed to lead in the right way. Senators empowered politics instead of pushing society forward. Some scholars blamed Christianity, monetary and military problems. All these factors might have caused the fall of Rome, but the idea of imperialism still exists. Before and after Rome, empires have risen and fallen.
Today, empires still exist within the limitations of our current society. We have seen empires rise and fell dramatically. The Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1991, separating into 15 different countries.
The United States have more military bases around the world that any other country. Their military power is astonishing, but it has fired them back with an anti-imperialist sentiment from the rest of the world. Recently, many countries in Europe have joined their efforts to become a more strong and powerful union. They have worked hard to bring down boundaries and build a common European constitution, including an European military force. Will this be the next Rome Empire? Time will tell. But, what we can be sure about is that the human nature never changes. Power, competition, desire of expansion, and even greed are part of our nature. History repeats itself, the only difference is that it will take years instead of centuries for the next empires to rise and fall.
November 14, 2011
Great Wall of China (largest cemetery)
The Great Wall of China was worked on for over 1700 years. So with each emperor who came to power pieces of the wall were added to protect their dynasties. Contrary to what was believed the wall is not a solid wall. It was a line of disconnected barricades.
When the Qin Dynasty ruled (221 – 206 B.C.E.), Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi wanted a much better defense barricade to protect his empire from invaders from the Northwest. Emperor Qin wanted a strong wall 30 feet wide and 50 feet high. In order to accomplish such tasks many laborers were needed. Emperor Qin used peasants, captured enemies, criminals, scholars, and anyone else to work on the Great Wall without pay. It was slave labor.
I can see how Emperor Qin’s idea to protect his empire made sense but at the same time at what cost? Over 3,000 people worked on the Great Wall for the Qin Dynasty, but it is believed that over 1 million have died during the construction of all parts of the Great Wall. If the wall was to protect the empire then why would they kill their own to build it? I agree the Great Wall itself was a good idea to see any possible invaders from afar and be able to send signals to where the invaders were heading, but not at the cost of the lives of the very people they were to protect. I disagree with using peasants or scholars instead of just using criminals or enemies they captured to work off their punishment.
It’s been said that every foot of wall took one human life. After all the years and evolution of humans, science, medicine, etc. we would think we would never see this kind of disregard for human life again but sadly it still exists all over the world.
November 12, 2011
What did Classical Greece give us?
November 11, 2011
The Prophet Jesus in the world of Islam
The religion of Islam begins with an extraordinary story. The founder of Islam Muhammad was an average man in his neighborhood. Muhammad had the same religious beliefs as Christians. However, after seeking God in an isolated cave, Muhammad is said to receive messages from God. These messages that were received cultivated the teachings of the Quran.
Islam believes in the oneness of God, and believes Muhammad is God’s final prophet; the Quran is considered the ultimate word of God. Islam also accepts that the Torah, Psalms and Gospels are sacred scripture. Last but not least the Islamic believe revere Jesus as a great prophet.
Islam acknowledges Jesus as a prophet sent by God, Islam does not accept Jesus as God (as the Christians do). I question Islam inclusion of Jesus as a prophet. According to the Islamic definition, a prophet is a messenger sent by God (Surah Al-Baqara). According to the gospel, Jesus ascribes himself as “Son of God” and deity (Matthew 27:43). Since it is obvious that a prophet is accredited by the message he brings; clearly Jesus’ message (as indicated) was that he is God. However, Islam believes Jesus to be a “truthful” prophet, yet they refuse to accept his message (which is he is God). If Islam doesn’t accept Jesus as God, the fact that Jesus attested to be God should be enough to cast him away as a false prophet. I find this contradiction in the Islamic beliefs system to be quite astonishing.
November 8, 2011
Life-filled or Lifeless?
What is Strength?
When I look at the Samurai, I see the strength automatically. In the way their dressings were and how they were presented. They will layers, upon layers to make themselves look bigger to the enemy, which psychologically would probably make them seem a lot more dangerous to their enemies. Their presentation was very stern, not like the little England people that weren’t allowed to smile but they were very focused, they were very strong in every way.
November 7, 2011
The Forbidden Dance
She dances with her partner while the crowd calls her a prostitute. The church during the renaissance would scold the idea of scientific technology. Tango, an Argentine form of dance was treated with the same hatred. The new advancement of the renaissance brought new instruments, new genres, and different styles of musical composing. Many of the composed pieces in music and instruments were created for the church and chapel services. Instruments used for personal gain and with intent to distant people from the church were not allowed. The Tango was a dance developed in the slums that was viewed with negativity for its dramatic display. Only men would dance the tango with each other when it first originated because women were looked down upon if they were to sing or dance it. The dance of Tango would stage stories of a pimp and his prostitute, a duel between two men for a woman, and a lost love. In the new age of the Tango it is danced by displaying a story of love and passion. The lute, organ, recorder and harp in the renaissance which gave ideal bringing to the guitar, accordion, flute, and famous bandoneon are used in the Tango.
November 2, 2011
The Real Debate, How’d we get here
November 1, 2011
Power and Inequality
The Hindu caste structure is an ancient system that has lasted for thousands of years. It is divided into four main Varnas or categories: the Brahmins (priests or scholars) the Kshatriyas (politicians and civil authorities), the Vaishyas (professionals), the Shudras (laborers) and finally the Out-castes whom don't even get to be in this structural system. The higher castes are the ones that hold the power while the lower castes, and especially the Out-castes, are kept at the margin of decisions that only benefit those in power. Doing this sets boundaries to those who are at the end of this system of inequality. In addition, it also keeps the higher castes economically stable because they don't have to compete or defend themselves from the lower castes. While they get richer, the lower castes get poorer and have no opportunities to change their situation. Most Americans probably think that this type of caste system is appalling and that this would never happen in America. But do we have something similar here? Right now there is an important national and recently turned global movement that is getting a lot of attention which is the Occupy Wall-street movement.
Protesters are rebelling against the big corporations and the wealthy 1% who are getting richer while the rest of us are stuck with no opportunities similar to the lower castes in the Hindu caste system. While we may not have such a strongly defined class system, we do have a higher class that continues to take advantage of the rest of us. Much of India's inequality is due to the rules of their caste system, while ours is due to the unfair rules that government and big business play by.
For more information about this movement visit Occupy Wallstreet